In an effort to assist Hispanic students from low, moderate and middle income families where there is a gap between the cost of attendance and the family’s financial responsibility, HLCNI is partnering with Questa Foundation to offer a $5,000 per year, low-interest forgivable loan program.
Recipients of this award will have 50% of their loan forgiven should they decide to live and work in one of the 11 counties of Northeast Indiana for 5 years after graduation.
An additional 25% is forgiven by the college upon graduation for students attending one of our partner schools:
Anderson University
Grace College*
Huntington University
Indiana Tech
Indiana Wesleyan University
Ivy Tech Fort Wayne & Warsaw*
Manchester University
Purdue University Fort Wayne
Taylor University
Trine University
University of Saint Francis
*Forgiveness may vary by institution
In total, 50% (and possibly more) of the loan could be forgiven.
Application begins December 1st through March 15th.